is a Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange for major cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin, Ethereum, HCX, Litecoin, Ethereum Classic. The exchange is operated by global blockchain and IT services company HashCash.

The infamous Lockbit ransomware operators claim to have stolen a database containing personal data belonging to more than 100,000 customers worldwide. However, only small part of the claimed data has been leaked by the ransomware operators.
“CryptoExchange of “HashCashConsultant” company, > 100k Users in DB. Customers from USA/WorldWide personal data, mail/hash, weak hash algorithm. Admins personal data, admin emails and hashes. If you want buy it – contact us with TOX.” reads the announcement published on the ransomware site.
The data leak released on a website of the threat actor is related only to the domain and contains information related to the support service of the cryptocurrency exchange.
Earlier in February FBI has released a Flash Alert concerning LockBit 2.0 Ransomware, it contains technical details associated with the operation.